Friday, July 17, 2020


Hi everyone!

This is a new site where you can buy all of KULT CREATIONS Octobriana-related stuff! You'll find three publications on here already... The Octobriana: The Underground History (fully illustrated 120 page book on the creation and history of this legenadry public domain comic character) + The New Amazons: Preview Special + Origin-a-go-go! (in which the Russia Devil-Woman teams up with other super-women to form a kick-ass team!) You can also buy all three books together to save on postage! 

THE NEW AMAZONS: ORIGIN-A-GO-GO! is new out! It's a 44 page square-bound full-color collection. It features the origins of all six Amazons plus two extra stories which see them taking on Robert Mugabe and a radionactive vampire! Written by John A. Short & illustrated by Gabrielle Noble.