Wednesday, December 1, 2021

OCTOBRIANA 50th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL now available to buy from this blog!

 The Octobriana 50th Anniversary Special is now available to buy just to your right from this very blog. Just select where you live (the UK or Europe or Outside Europe) and click on the button. 

It's a 44 page, square bound, American comic sized colour and black and white comic featuring five new Octobriana strips. It features art and stories by Chris Askham, Simon Breeze, Susan Fenn, David Hitchcock, Gabrielle Noble, Andrew Richmond and John A. Short. With a cover by Gabby Noble. JOIN THE REVOLUTION! 

Art by Chris Askham
Art by Andrew Richmond
Art by Gabby Noble
Art by Simon Breeze
Art by Susan Fenn
Art by David Hitchcock

Friday, October 1, 2021

Octobriana on Kickstarter OCTOBER 2021!


The Kult Creations' Octobriana 50th Anniversary Special! Grab your Coca-Cola, strap on your Smith & Wesson and fire up the Wonder Machine... We're about to break the time barrier and kick some fascist butt!

With stories and art by:

Chris (Switchblade Stories) Askham

Simon (Savage! Jungle Princess) Breeze

Susan (Shokwave) Fenn

David (Heavy Metal) Hitchcock

Gabrielle (Brawler) Noble

Andrew (Aces Weekly) Richmond

& John (The New Amazons) Short

On Kickstarter now:

Thursday, April 8, 2021

More OCTOBRIANA for 2021!

Also coming from Kult Creations later this year... The Octobriana: 50th Anniversary Special! This anthology will feature strips and features written by me and Susan Fenn, illustrated by Andrew Richmond, Gabrielle Noble, Chris Askham and Susan Fenn! More news soon!